25 Sep 13

We were up in time for the sunrise, which does not happen these days until after 07:00. After breakfast, we got ready to move, picked up the anchor and headed for the next anchorage at the N. Santee River. On the way, we passed Alligator Creek and, sure enough, right at the mouth of the creek, there was a 6 foot alligator lurking in the shallows. Don’t believe I will go swimming today. After we got anchored, the wind piped up to NE 20-25. We sailed back and forth across the river all night long, or at least while the ebb current was fighting the wind.

26 Sep 13

The wind was down this morning, so we decided to stay another day and enjoy the peace and solitude of this solitary anchorage. Having said that, there were a number skiffs and john-boats carrying fishermen up and down the river all day long. We read and did a bit of light maintenance. I finally finished “1491”; very well written book talking about what the American continents and their many inhabitants were like before Columbus arrived and screwed everything up. About 16:00, a john-boat heading back up the river to the boat ramp (at the Hwy 17 bridge) ran out of fuel about 100 yds away. He paddled over and we gave him a gallon of gasoline; good deed for the day. BBQ’d chicken for dinner and had an early night. I’m reading another Jack Reacher novel “Without Fail” before I start in on another heavy tome: “1493”.