10 May 14

Anchor up about 09:30 and away for the Ware River. The wind was favorable - SW 12 - so we got the sails up almost immediately and had a very nice sail out of the Poquoson River, across the York River and all the way into Mobjack Bay until we got well up into the Ware River. We anchored about 13:45, ran the generator for an hour to fully charge the batteries, put on the anchor light, loaded up the dinghy with an overnight bag and dinghied up the Ware to the back yard of Ash and Ronda. Ash is a tennis buddy, formerly from Houston, who has relocated to Ronda’s family home in Gloucester, VA. Just after we got to Ash’s house, a severe thunderstorm opened up with heavy rain and wind gusts well into the 30’s (I guess); I was nervous about the boat, but we drove over to the point later and confirmed it was still exactly where we had left it. Dinner at their home, along with a couple of bottles of wine.

11 May 14

We slept well last night in Ash and Ronda’s guest room (a.k.a., Sarah’s bedroom; thanks, Sarah). Ronda fixed pancakes and bacon for breakfast and then went to church to teach Sunday school. Ash and I took his kayaks 3 or 4 miles up the Ware River; nice paddle, but my shoulders were tight that night and the next morning. After lunch, Ash took one of his girls - Laura - over to her school, Christchurch Academy, for some academic thing she had to do. Terri and I rode along to enjoy the view. This is a boarding school on the banks of the Rappahannock River, and is one of the most beautiful high school campuses in the USA. We also drove through Urbanna, which is a lovely little town on the south side of the Rappahannock. Ash fired up the BBQ later and we had excellent steaks and more wine for dinner.