2 Nov 17

We were all up before sunrise to head down the Tenn-Tom; we are shooting for Columbus today. “Beluga Rey”, from Whittier, AK, accompanied us through the first 3 locks and was waiting for us at Columbus Marina. When I called the Fulton Lock (25’ drop) at 07:00, he advised that he was just about to lock down a tow and had another coming up after that and that therefore there was no point in us coming down to the lock before 08:00. So, we loitered over breakfast and finally got underway about 07:40. We still had to wait for 20 minutes (which ain’t bad) to get into the lock with “Beluga Rey” and “Seductress”. We all passed the tow about half way down to the Wilkins Lock (30’ drop) and were about to lock through before the tow got there. From there on the locks (Amory (25’ drop) and Aberdeen (27’ drop)) were open and waiting for us, so we were tied up at the Columbus Marina at 17:00. Four locks and 52 N-miles in one day; not bad. We had happy hour and dinner aboard, then retired below at sunset (a.k.a., mosquito-ville) for a good chat and a bit of a sing-along.  

33-31.315’N, 088-28.922’W; Log = 52.1, Sum (2017) = 3112.2 N-m