13 Aug 23

We had a good night’s sleep and woke up at 08:30 to NOT rain. For the 1st time in 4 days, it is not raining, although it is still very overcast. After a leisurely breakfast, Terri defrosted the freezer and did her hair and I topped off the water tanks and had a long chat with Ray, the fisherman we were parked next to 5 weeks ago; nice guy. When I went up to pay the dock fee, I could not find my wallet. We searched high and low and I finally decided I must have left it at Hammer & Wikan yesterday when we stopped in. So, I walked up there to check, but they did not have it and no one had turned it in at the harbormaster’s office. I walked back to the boat thinking of all the hassle we would have cancelling credit cards, re-establishing numerous auto-payments and obtaining replacement insurance and Social Security cards, etc. When I got back to the boat, Terri advised that she had found it. IN HER BUM BAG, where she had placed it yesterday while tidying up the boat. I love her, but I could have strangled her there for a minute. The good news is it was not lost. We finally managed to get away from the dock just after noon and headed south through the Wrangell Narrows. We hit the high point of the narrows just at high tide and then coasted down the other side to our anchorage at Keene Island, where we dropped the hook at 14:43. Nice short day, but nice to be on the move again. Between short, intermittent rain showers in the afternoon, small patches of blue sky actually appeared through the clouds

56-36.134’N, 132-59.603’W; Log = 15.6, Sum = 2059.1; Eng. hrs. = 2.7, Sum = 3439.9