19 May 23

The alarmed jolted us out of bed at 05:00. We dressed and put the kettle on and were away from the dock at 05:25. It was cool with a low overcast and very little wind and we hit the ebb tidal stream within minutes. The ebb stayed with us all the way to about 2 miles short of Cape Caution and we motored all the way against light NW winds and rounded Cape Caution in bright sunlight at 11:22. As soon as we were around the Cape and pointed north-ish, the wind freed up enough that we could sail. The engine was off and we were under full sail on a close reach by 12:07. The weather and tide had been so cooperative to that point that we decided to bypass Millbrook Cove and push on another 10 N-miles or so to Fury Cove. It was a lovely sail for 2 hours - we even had to take in one reef in the main - until we were about 1.5 miles off the entry to Fury Cove, when the wind suddenly died. Fury Cove already had 4 boats lying at anchor when we arrive and 2 other sail boats came in after us. As soon as we were anchored (at 15:03), we rowed ashore to check out the beach and had a nice chat with several other boaters, who were doing the same thing. That was a long day, the longest in many a long year: 9.5 hours, but we cover 65.2 N-miles over the ground in that period, so, a good day; not to mention the nearly 3 hours of sailing.

51-29.296’N, 127-45.450’W; Log = 58.6, Sum (2023) = 315.0; Eng. hrs = 7.5, Sum = 3158.5