7 Oct 23

After another restless night, we got up before 08:00 and were on the road before 09:00, including a quick stop at Starbucks for breakfast, which we ate on the road. It was pretty much a non-stop drive, with only 2 stops for fuel and one for coffee, all the way to Green River. Unfortunately, Green River, UT is so small that it does not warrant a state liquor store, which was bad news, as we are out of gin. As soon as we checked into the hotel, we went down to the Tamarisk Restaurant, which is located right on the Green River, where we had an OK meal and a couple of beers. We were back in the hotel shortly after 19:00, and we spent a few minutes listening to the end of our audio-book, “One Good Deed”, David Baldacci.

Car miles = 537; Sum = 1211 miles