19 Aug 16

We were in bed by about 10:30 last night and were waked up about 01:00 by what sounded like the chain dragging across the bottom. This was expected after the turn of the tide at about 00:30. However, it kept on going. I got up to check our position and we were definitely not moving, but the anchor chain was stretched taut as a bass guitar string and it was humming and vibrating the front end of our boat such that it was impossible to sleep in the forepeak. That was a new experience. On the other hand, the vibration drowned out the sound of a bunch of drunken 20-somethings partying and singing on the beach until well after 02:00. We both eventually moved to the stern cabin and managed to get to sleep. It was beautiful, warm and clear in the morning. We hung around Plum Island until 11:00, then got the anchor up (nice and clean) and motored all the way to Rockport, MA, where the harbormaster found a place for us at the Sandy Bay YC wharf. The dock master and a couple of club members helped us get tied up and loaned us there fender board. After lunch, we walked into town and checked out the shops and galleries, as well as the Shalin Liu Performance Center, which tonight will feature C.J. Chenier and the Buckwheat Zydeco Band. The show was sold out, but we picked up a couple of returns just before the show. On the recommendation of a couple of YC members, we had a quick, light dinner at Blue Lobster Grill before the show. The performance center is only 2 years old, but was built in the style of the old town, so, from the street, it fits right in with the local architecture. Inside, it is gorgeous; the back of the stage is all glass and looks out onto Rockport harbor. CJ Chenier and the band put on a helluva show for the 100% white audience, although it was a bit frustrating to see them in a performance hall setting, where there was no room for dancing. It was nearly high tide when we got back just before 23:00, so it was easy to get back on the boat.

42-39.518’N, 070-36.865’W

20 Aug 16

The local lobster-men waked us up at 05:00 loading pots on one of the boats for about an hours. Otherwise, it was a pleasant night. We lazed around the boat most of the morning, not least because it was low water early and the 10 ft climb up the slimy ladder was a little bit daunting. The Star fleet was having a regatta at the Sandy Bay YC and we watched the 9 competitors sail out; they are quite fleet looking, but the boom is so low, I’m not sure I could duck under it during tacks and jibes. We eventually got off the boat and had a nice walk around town, made reservations for dinner at My Place By the Sea, did a bit of gift and grocery shopping and generally just larked around with the rest of the tourists. There is a darth of good bars in Rockport, as it was dry until just a few years ago; it is wet now, but the locals cannot seem to find room amongst the existing buildings and architecture for a good bar. After we freshened up on the boat, we went up to My Place and had a lovely dinner (including a nice bottle of Chateau de Sancerre ’14) out on the patio as the sun set. Back at the boat, the regatta dinner was finished and it was all dark and quiet.