4 Aug 13

Up early (for us, anyway) to catch the last of the ebb tide for a short run across the Brunswick River and St. Simon’s Sound to Hidden Harbor Marina, which happens to be the closest place to the Brunswick UPS store. We got in by 11:00 and then spent the afternoon escaping the heat in the cool, air-conditioned club-house, planning the next week’s itinerary to Savannah and working up some things to do during Luke and Tessie’s planned visit for 12 - 15 Aug. Later, we borrowed the loaner car and went in to Publix to get some groceries for the next week.

5 Aug 13

Lazy day at Hidden Harbor. We caught up on reading and did a bit of boat and bike maintenance. The replacement credit cards arrived, so I borrowed the car again and went in to the UPS store to collect them. It was hot and threatening T’storms later in the afternoon, so we decided to stay for one more night.