1 Apr 14

Another day in paradise: 38 degrees when I finally pushed Terri out of bed to turn on the heat. But it soon warmed up. We did a quick shop at Harris Teeter, then back to the boat for a quick pump out. Then we started to get underway, but no power to the engine room fan - WTF?? Emptied out the port cockpit locker, got out the multi-meter, wedged myself into said locker - nada: i.e., no power to the switch or the port-side electric genoa sheet winch. After much scratching of head, it finally occurred to me to check the breaker in the starboard locker, which, sure enough, had been tripped, presumably by me while I was screwing around with the manual bilge pump. Finally got away from the dock at about 13:30. Forecast was SE 7 - 10, or light, but right on the nose. As it turned, it was SSW, which meant we were able to sail most of the afternoon, and even got the spinnaker up for about 1.5 hours, but the wind steadily increased from 15 to 28 knots. We got into Clubfoot Creek and anchored just after 17:00 in a beautiful, quiet setting, in time to fire up the BBQ for the first time this year and enjoy the sunset over Kir Royales. Good day. And, I see from their spot, that our good friends on “LongHawk” have successfully crossed the Gulf Stream and are now enjoying sundowners in the Bahamas.