26 Sep 14

Another beautiful day in paradise. It was relatively warm this morning, clear and very light winds. After consultation with the Admiral, we determined that it was a good day to move on to York. We dropped the mooring at 11:00 and headed back down the river, fighting the flood. After rounding Cape Porpoise, we veered a bit to the west of the rhumb line to give Walker Point (summer home of George H.W. and Barbara Bush) a close pass and a salute, although it was not returned. 43-07.808’N, 070-38.713’W.

27 Sep 14

We slept in like a couple of bears. Then, got up and went for a long walk around York Town. We did the entire length of the Fisherman’s Walk, toured the Old Gaol and the Emmerson-Wilcox House, had lunch at the Fat Tomato and were back on board for cocktails and dinner. We were going to have dinner ashore at the Dockside Restaurant, but it was all booked for the night for a wedding. It was a beautiful evening and the temperature did not plummet so much or so rapidly after sunset, so we had a nice sit in the cockpit until well after dark. The evening was topped off with a Skype call with our sailing buddies, John & Laurie, from Vancouver, who will be meeting us in Boston in 10 days time for a nearly 2-week cruise around southern New England.