23 May 17

Clear and cold at sunrise, we leapt out of bed at 07:00 and were underway by 07:30. Got through Locks 21 and 22, going downhill now, without incident and jumped straight across Oneida Lake, to Ess-Kay Marina in Brewerton, where we tied up just after 13:00. On the way across the lake, we took advantage of the unlimited maneuvering room to swing the flux-gate compass and calibrate the auto-helm; 3 degrees deviation, not bad. Otto, the auto-helm, worked pretty well for the short remainder of the trip. We spent the afternoon tidying up the boat and grocery shopping, in anticipation of daughter Ashley’s visit later in the evening; she and boyfriend Steve are driving cross-country from Oregon to Maine, transporting some 30,000 books to his new bookstore in Maine.  

43-14.374’N, 076-09.019’W; 33.1 N-m; Sum (2017) = 200.0 N-m