5 Jul 17

OMG, another glorious day in paradise. We had a wonderful, uninterrupted night in Wingfield Basin, except for the 2 or 3 dozen mosquitos that kept up an intermittent harassing attack on us all through the night. We held our own and they suffered horrendous casualties, but they took a tremendous mental toll on us, not to mention about a half pint of blood each. We were up at 6:00 and had the anchor aweigh at 06:45. The wind was very light - SSE 4-5 - all day long, so of course we motored all the way across Georgian Bay. It was totally uneventful except for the MAYDAY calls on the radio associated with a major boat fire (apparently, it burned to the water-line, but with no injuries or loss of life) at Christian Island. John’s friend Susan, and her dad David, came out to meet us at buoy C128 and piloted us into North Go Home Bay, where they have a summer cottage. We anchored nearby and then rowed in for a nice visit with Susan and her family. And so begins our sojourn on Georgian Bay and the 30,000 Islands. The run from Kingston, NY to here has been a bit of a delivery trip, so now it is time to slow down a bit - a lot, actually. It is about 120 miles to Killarney - along the small boat channel - and we plan to take 3 weeks to do this distance. Of course, we will take the scenic, circuitous route and stop at as many gunkholes as we can along the way. We were back on the boat in time for a swim (74F; this time I stayed in long enough to check on the prop zinc - excellent condition - and a brief underwater inspection of the rudder and keel - all good), happy hour and dinner aboard.

45-00.354’N, 079-58.272’N; Log = 64.4, Sum (2017) = 1110.6 N-m