3 May 21

00:00: N33-20.5 W63-23.06 COG 7.0, SOG 50T, Wind S10-15 kn. Still motor-sailing. 

Start of the midnight shift, first time in years. It is an awesome feeling to be up on deck all alone with the stars and the waves. No moon yet. We have sighted no other ships since departing St Georges. Phosphorescence in the wakes is brilliant. 

02:20: moonrise. 

03:00: N33-33.4, W63-06.1, COG 50T, SOG 7.2 kn, wind SSW10-12 kn

Slept from 03:40 to 07:40.

06:00: N33-46, W62-48, COG 50T, SOG 7.1 kn, wind SW10 kn

09:00: N34-00.092, W62-29.385, COG 50T, SOG 7.1 kn, wind SW 8-12 kn

12:00: N34-11.57, W62-08.22, COG072T, SOG 8.0 kn, wind SSW 16.0 kn. Spinnaker hoisted. AWA 122 stbd. Made 168 Nm in last 24 hours. 

15:00: N34-19.1, W61-40.0, COG 080T, SOG 7.2 kn, wind SW 12-15. 

16:15: down for a shower and a nap. Nice and quiet in the stern cabin without the engine running. Motion is much easier, too. 

18:00: N34-21, W61-11, clr. 

20:00: doused spinnaker. Motor sailing. 

21:00: N34-24, W60-48, COG 060T, SOG 7.1kn, wind SW 10.,clear. Motor sailing.