17 Sep 15

HW slack at Cape Sable is at 12:45, so we got up early and left at Lockeport at 07:30. The wind was SW 10 - 13, so we motored all the way to Cape Sable, arriving at Little Horse Race off Cape Sable just before noon. We were due south of the Cape Sable Lighthouse at noon and took the inside passage (as the tide rips had eased) around the Cape and into the back side of Clarks Harbour, where we anchored in 7.4 m of water at 12:30. It was a beautiful afternoon, so we rigged “Swallow” up for a sail around the harbour. We also tried to row up into the lagoon, but the ebb tidal current was too strong to stem. We were the only boat anchored in the harbour, but the harbour is surrounded by a number of fishing docks and thriving hamlets, so we are not in the wilderness at all. We waited here all afternoon, with the plan to sail up the west coast to Yarmouth with the flood in the morning. Those not sailing or rowing around the harbour napped and chatted all afternoon. Dinner aboard. Just before dinner, a French boat (“Agapes”) pulled into the bay and anchored near us.

43-25.874, 065-38.300’W