10 Aug 21

After last night’s well earned celebration dinner, not to mention the after-dinner whiskey tasting back on the boat, we were a bit slow getting up this morning. And what a glorious morning it was. How good it is to wake up back in Canada. Anyway, after breakfast, the Admiral went up to do a load of laundry, while I borrowed one of the marina’s courtesy bikes to ride into town to BC Liquor to top up wine supplies; plus, they had a bottle of Bruichladdich. We were ready to go just at noon. After a quick pump-out of the forward holding tank (which did not get pumped out yesterday because the pump-out pump broke down). We motored over to Canoe Cove and met John and Laurie on “Massilia” just as they left the dock. We motored and sailed and motored and sailed and motored and sailed to the north end of Prevost Island and ducked way down into Annette Inlet, where we anchored in 3 meters of water at 15:15. “Massilia” was rafted up beside us within about 15 minutes and we settled in for an absolutely gorgeous, lovely evening.

48-49.486’N, 123-23.189’W; Log = 11.9; Sum (2021) = 260.3 N-m; Eng. hrs = 2.3, Sum = 2786.0