3 Aug 23

I woke up at 07:40 and finally crawled out of bed at 08:20, feeling much better than yesterday, but my head is still congested and aching. Terri was still asleep, so I fixed breakfast. She finally got up about 09:30, also with a sore head, but her symptoms do not seem to be as advanced or serious as mine were at 24 hours after first noticing them. Hopefully, she will not get it as bad as I did. At 09:50, I decided that we had to run either the engine or the generator for a while to top up the batteries, which are down 212 amp-hours, so we fired up the engine and pulled away from the dock. I had thought that we might anchor at the north end of the harbor, but after getting over there, it just seemed like too much trouble, so we motored out of the harbor and dumped the holding tanks, which were getting seriously full. Then we came back to the same float, but on the other side, so as not to bother our dock neighbor too much, and ran the engine for another half hour. That should give us enough battery life to get through tonight. The “Gyrfalcon” pulled into the harbor just after 13:00 and anchored nearby.

58-03.754’N, 134-01.241’W; Log = 3.4, Sum = 1797.6; Eng. hrs. = 1.5, Sum = 3399.1

About 14:00, Terri awoke from a short nap and said she was still not feeling too bad. I was feeling better, so we decided that we may as well take advantage of the continuing good weather and move on south to Tracy Arm Cove. We pulled away from the dock about 14:20 and headed out into the beginning of the ebb tide, which helped push us all the way to the Tracy Arm bar. There, we encountered about 1/2 a mile of foul current; the ebb was running against us at the bar at about 3.0 knots. But we were soon through this stretch and had the hook down in Tracy Arm Cove at 18:00. There were quite a few good-sized icebergs floating about on either side of the bar, so the Sawyer Glaciers must be calving off a lot of ice. Tomorrow should be fun. Just as we settled in for our evening mocktails (tea, actually, since neither one of us feels up to alcohol yet), the sun came out and warmed us up. It is good to be alive and back underway again.

57-48.646’N, 133-38.071’W; Log = 24.4, Sum = 1832.0; Eng. hrs. = 3.7, Sum = 3402.8