20 May 22

We were up and moving about at around by 09:00. We picked up some breakfast tacos and brought them back to the flat, where we were joined shortly by Dan, Emily, Hank and Joyce (who was suffering a bit of a fever). Luke and Jack dropped by for a short visit about 10:30 and Terri and Ashley dropped by Audrey’s house, where the bridesmaid’s make-up party was in full swing. We just hung out until about 13:30, when we all commenced to get into our fancy duds for the wedding, which started at 15:00 at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in downtown Fort Worth. After the lengthy ceremony, we moved onto the Drover Hotel for a quick drink prior to the reception, which started at 17:30. The first part of the reception was, unfortunately, outside on the patio, where it was hot as hell. They finally opened the doors to the inside pavilion, for a stand-up dinner; at least the air-conditioner worked well and it was much cooler inside. The party carried on with full band until 22:30, when we sent the happy couple - Mr. & Mrs. Eric Menn - off with great ceremony. We joined the wedding party for a while at the Side Saddle Saloon, until about 00:30. I believe we made it back to the flat at about 01:00 and immediately retired, tired and foot-sore, but happy.

Log = 0; Sum (2022) = 281 miles