21 May 22

Inexplicably, I woke up at 07:00 and could not get back to sleep, so I got up and read the paper until the rest of the crew woke up. We packed up and got away from the flat at just after 11:00 and headed over to Joe T. Garcia’s for brunch and the final chapter of the wedding of the century. About 12:30, Ashley and AJ had to head to DFW to catch their flight back to Portland. We left shortly thereafter to head to Lubbock. I decided to head via Newcastle and the old home place; the barn and the water tank are still standing, but the house has been demolished and replaced by a manufactured home - could not tell who lives there. There is a pretty big wind farm being developed all around the place. We made it in to Lubbock about 19:00. We finally got hold of Anne Sweazy about 17:00 and she agreed to see us; we had a nice chat with her for about an hour and a half, but then went to get a bite to eat and check-in to a hotel, as we did not feel good about staying with her on such short notice. We had a quick meal and finally got to the hotel about 22:00 and went straight to bed.  

Log = 333; Sum (2022) = 614 miles