25 Jul 16

We were waked, both literally and physically, about 04:30 by the local lobstermen heading out to fish, and never really got back to sleep. But, it is another beautiful day in paradise. After breakfast, we moved into the dock, topped up the forward water tank and washed a week’s build-up of salt off the deck and hull. Then we got underway about 11:30, headed for Blue Hill Harbor. First, we headed due south through the Western Way, then turned west to cross over the Bass Harbor Head bar, then turned north up Blue Hill Bay. The wind was S 5-15, so we decided it was time to get the spinnaker up, for the first time this year. We had a nice downwind run for about 1.5 hours until we got to the north end of Long Island (the one in Maine that is). The spinnaker was snuffed and we motored into Blue Hill Harbor, where we picked up a mooring at 15:20 at the Kollegewidgwok Yacht Club (try saying that 3 times fast over the radio); the locals call it “KYC” - I wonder why. Unfortunately, during the spinnaker snuffing exercise, I stubbed (or broke, not sure which yet) my little toe; two Advil and large quantities of general anesthetic, taken orally, are called for. After we settled in and I soaked my aching toe in the 58 deg F harbor waters for a few minutes, we rowed about a mile over to the Blue Hill town dock to have a look round town. It is a pretty little town, but they pretty much roll up the sidewalks at 17:00. We made it back to the boat by 18:00 for a late happy hour and dinner aboard.  

44-24.433’N, 068-33.967’W