10 Aug 13

Away from the anchorage just after 09:00 to catch the flood up Ossabaw Sound, Vernon River, and Burnside River to the Isle of Hope Marina, where we will stay for a few days until Luke (Terri’s brother) and Tessie join us for a few days of hot cruising. We arrived at the marina at noon and I immediately started digging in lockers trying to figure out why the blower fan (removes warm air from the engine compartment) had quit working. I had to clear out two lockers and half way through the search, of course, I found another problem. Was unable to figure out a solution to either problem, but thought a trip to West Marine would solve everything. After a bit of a tidy up, we borrowed the marina’s loaner car and headed to West Marine; plenty to buy, but no luck with either of the problems at hand. So, we went to dinner and a movie - “Elyseum”.

11 Aug 13

Up early trying to sort out electrical problems. No joy with the old problems, but I did manage to get a new fan installed in the stern cabin so our guests will be a little cooler. In the afternoon, just in time for docktails, our old cruising buddies - Sam and Pat, from “Longhawk” - just happened to be in the neighborhood on their way between Virginia and Florida and stopped by for a long chat and a drink and dinner. What a good night we had visiting and talking about cruising stuff.

12 Aug 13

We spent Monday shopping and cleaning the boat up in anticipation of the arrival of Terri’s brother Luke and his wife Tessie. They have just dropped their daughter off at Auburn University in eastern Alabama and will spend a week with us while she is going through rush. During the day, I went ahead and pulled a new pair of cables from the DC panel to the A/C sump pump in the stern cabin and fixed it to run off DC instead of the “as-installed” arrangement of powering it off the AC panel via a transformer. It works fine this way; but you have to remember to turn the switch on when the A/C is running, or the sump will overflow into the bilge.

Tessie and Luke arrived about 18:00 and we had docktails and cooked dinner on board.

13 Aug 13

Tuesday, we decided to stay another night at Isle of Hope, so we took Luke and Tessie’s car into Savannah and did the tourist thing: took the tram tour of town and then hit the shops (ladies) and the pub (gents) to create lasting memories of beautiful Savannah, the prettiest town in America (according to the French, who do not lightly bestow such compliments on this side of the pond). Afterward, we went back to the boat to freshen up and then had dinner at Driftaways Cafe in beautiful downtown Sandfly.