6 Sep 14

Up at 8:00 and on LouAnna’s recommendation, we walked into town and had breakfast at the Bake Shop, followed by a stroll around this historic town. Then, back to the boat, where we pumped out the holding tanks. The weather forecast for this afternoon is not great (cold front coming through with 30 kn winds, T-storms and fog), so we decided to move a couple of miles to Smith Cove, a reputed hurricane hole for the night; we are in no particular rush, anyway. We had a lazy afternoon on board, reading, knitting, dozing and doing light maintenance. Took the dinghy ashore for a hike along the beach later. Dinner aboard. About 19:00, the Thunderstorms associated with the cold front came roaring by. We had a bit of rain and quite a bit of thunder and lighting, but no direct hits. 44-21.804’N, 068-46.282’W.