9 Sep 14

I must be turning into an old bear; the sun went down at 19:00, by 20:00 I was starting to doze off on the settee, and by 21:00 I was sound asleep. Then, we slept till 07:00 - 10 hours total - getting ready to start hibernating, I guess. We got the anchor up at 10:45 and sailed out of Pickering Cove. At about 11:05, we sailed over and snagged a lobster pot; the line was jambed between the rudder and the hull, around the rudder post. I finally cut the pot loose, but we still had 20 or so feet of line stuck in the rudder and apparently wrapped round the prop. So, we sailed back into Pickering Cove and anchored. Then, I got the wet-suit on and donned snorkel and fins and went for a dive. It just took a minute to clear the rope and float from the prop and rudder post, but boy was that water cold. About noon, we got under way again and sailed most of the way into East Brooklin, where we picked up a guest mooring at the Wooden Boat School. We were joined by a fleet of 11 wooden sailing schooners: “Victory Chimes”, “Heritage”, “American Eagle”, “Vela”, “Stephen Taber”, “J. & E. Riggin”, “Angelique”, “Mary Day”, “Lewis R. French”, “Grace Bailey”, and “Isaac H Evans”. These guys have all come in to the WBS for the annual sail-in; a once-in-a-year event. Quite a sight to see all these wind-jammers in one spot. After lunch, we took the dinghy in for a look at the Wooden Boat School and met our friends Chris and Jill and Bernie O’C. Chris and Jill later came back to the boat with 2 friends, Daniel and Barbara, for G&Ts. Dinner aboard. A lovely evening. 44-14.580’N, 068-33.270’W.