16 Oct 17

We all slept in a bit, but got going just after 09:00. The run to Wolf Island anchorage was unremarkable. We anchored just in front of “Islandia” in 15 ft of water and 2 kn of current. The weather was fine and the water temp a balmy 75 F, so Matt and I went for a swim. Fortunately, I had thought to rig a safety line streaming from the stern (just a dock line with a fender (float) tied on the end of it streaming astern in the current) before we jumped in, because neither one of us could swim against the current long enough to get back to the boat without it; a bit sobering, but a lovely swim nevertheless. After dinner, I rowed over to “Islandia” and ferried Bob and Diane back to the boat for a sing-along; Matt rowed them home afterward.   

35-13.047’N, 088-17.497’W; Log = 42.9, Sum (2017) = 2836.2 N-m