15 Jul 21

Another day in paradise - well 3/4 paradise anyway. We are comfortable enough here that we have not moved, again. I spent the morning finishing off the installation of the spotlight; it is all done, working and tidied up now - looks pretty good, if I do say so myself. And it is all controllable from the cockpit. Hopefully, it will not impede, hinder or clash with the deployment of the spinnaker. While I was working on the spoltlight, we ran the generator for another 3.5 hours and got the batteries up to 92.8% SOC. That will have to wait for another day. After lunch, we rowed into town again and I found a couple of more interesting bits at the marine hardware store. We also walked up the hill again to Coast Hardware to collect some brown caulk to redo the panel in the forepeak that had to be disassembled to pull the power cable to the spotlight and some more St.St. hardware. I have enough stuff now to be able to install a good taffrail (or whatever it is called) between the starboard shrouds to house a couple of teak belaying pins and an eye to anchor the pole topping lift and the spinnaker shroud; very yaar. Dinner aboard: lamb chops and corn on the cob - brilliant. Another lovely sunset. I believe we will stay here for another day or two.