23 Sep 21

We did not wake up until just before 09:00, at which point, we leapt out of bed, got dressed, dropped the mooring lines and got going by 09:15. Breakfast on the road - brilliant. We had very favorable ebb tides with us until we got to Guemes Channel, so we were in Cap Sante Marina just after noon. After a quick pump out of the HTs, we we tied up at the dock by 12:32. After a quick linch, we jumped straight into decommissioning activities. I emptied the 5 gallon diesel gerry can into the tank. Then, I walked over to pick up the car, but Erik had forgotten to bring it up to the shop, so I walked back to the boat. We struck and flaked and packed up the jib, transferred the spinnaker to a spare sail bag ( the current spinnaker bag is about shot from solar radiation), removed the jack lines, removed the anti-jibe lines, removed the pole downhall and pulled the kayak out of the rack onto the deck (it clashes with the haul-out strops otherwise). Somewhere in there, the car showed up, so I walked back over to the storage place to collect it and stopped by West Marine to buy anti-freeze and oil for the engine. I ran the generator for a while in preparation for changing the oil and filter, but it only has 23 hours on it since last year and the oil on the dipstick still looks fresh, so I decided I would not bother. The roof rack I ordered for the car (to facilitate transporting the dinghy home for a winter refit) has not showed up yet; hopefully tomorrow. And then it was, mercifully, Captain’s Hour. I believe a couple of Advil are in order tonight. 

48-30.741’N, 122-36.388’W; Log = 19.2, Sum (2021) = 846.7; Eng. hrs = 3.2, Sum = 2879.5

24 Sep 21

I did not sleep well last night, worrying about the car rack and how the dinghy will fit on the rack. We got up about 07:00 and got straight to work after breakfast. First, I hauled the jib, spinnaker and prawn trap to the storage unit and stuffed them in. Then, we pulled the mattresses out of the stern cabin and used plastic sheeting to trace templates for fitted sheets. We also made a template for a cover over the top of the dodger. Then, we removed all of the cockpit enclosure canvas, pulled the kayak out of the side rack and onto the deck (it clashes with the Travellift strop), pulled the protective covers on the kayak and lashed it down, winterized the generator, cleaned out both holding tanks and winterized the aft holding tank, pulled up all the floor boards and cleaned the bilge (again), and, finally, disconnected the cockpit table (I’m going to attempt to build a nice wooden replacement over the winter) and loaded it in the car. Not much left to do on the winterization list, except the dinghy transport (still waiting on the delivery of the car rack). We finished off the curry for dinner then went to bed about 21:00. 

25 Sep 21

Slept well last night and we were up by 07:30. I cleaned off the anchor rodes where they tie off to the boat; pretty bad mildew. Fedex could not tell me where the roof rack is or when it will be delivered. So, I gave up on getting the dinghy home this winter for a refit; I just cleaned it, sealed up the “watertight” cover plates, set up the tent and hauled it up on the davits.