14 Jun 16

At the risk of sounding boring, it was cold again last night. All the fishermen in the harbor got up and headed out about 03:45, waking us in the process. We finally struggled out of bed about 07:45 and after breakfast, went into the dock for a pump out. We also had to print some forms for our daughter and get them notarized up in town. We were away from the dock about 10:30 and went round to Cliftons for fuel, but there was no dock attendant. So, we moved over to Hinckley’s in Southwest Harbor and, after a short wait, topped up the main tank and also the jerry can; it was only 12.5 gallons, but we are so early in the season and half of the places are not yet open, so we thought it best to get it while we can. We finally got away from the fuel dock at 11:45. It was a bit late in the day to go for Roque Harbor, so we opted for Tibbetts Island. The wind was blustery all the way - NW15-20/G28 - but we sailed when we could and got the anchor down in Tibbetts by 16:30, in good time for happy hour. The wind died down and the clouds thinned way out just after we got settled in. Dinner - veggie soup - aboard.  

44-29.818’N, 067-42.636’W